
PMDU: Team Vashra app

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Literature Text

Date Joined: Aug 30, 2014
Current Funds: 0 St



Species: Shiny!Manectric
Nature: Impish
-Characteristic: Mischievous
Gender: Male                     Age: 19
Ability: Minus

Strength: 2                   Agility: 2 +2
Intelligence: 3               Charisma: 3

Total Points Left: 0/10
Type Bonus: Electric - Agility

Move 1: Thunder Fang
Move 2: Attract
Move 3: Eerie Impulse
Move 4: Thunder


-Item 1

-Item 2

-Item 3

========== WRITTEN TEST ==========

[For this portion of the application, make your best effort to follow the italicized lines and NPC dialogue with whatever you wish, in order to explain your team. You can even change the setting of the interaction as long as the NPC still asks all the necessary questions. Be creative! You may delete this line if you wish.]

It's midday in the Dreamer's Eye, and your team has just gotten themselves registered at the Researchers Guild! Having some free time, your teammates decide to explore the open halls, but when they round the corner to move to the next, they encounter a group of Pokémon blocking the way. Many of them are chatting amicably, but a few in the back can be heard grumbling and snapping irritably, and the cause is revealed to be a somewhat tall Flygon attempting to shove her way through (and by the sound of it, accidentally hitting several Pokémon with her wings and tail as she goes).

"Ohhh... Excuse me, pardon me, Leader's Assistant comin' through... C'mon guys, can’t you have your little meeting thing somewhere that isn't blocking a hallway? 'scuse me, sorry, jeez..."
"Ah?" Vajra watched in amusement as the poor flygon pranced and weaved her way through the crowd.

When she finally makes it out, you see that her arms are laden with a surprisingly large pile of thick paper scrolls. A large blueprints tube can be seen on her back, the strap crossing her chest diagonally and connecting with a metal clasp, while her wrists bear one gleaming armband each; silver worn on the right, and black worn on the left.

Your team has only a couple seconds to take this in, however, as an unfortunate misstep results in paper flying everywhere and the Flygon falling flat on her face. There are a few derisive chuckles from the group, but as none of them move forward to help the hapless earth dragon, your team steps up instead.

Chuckling along with the crowd, Vajra walked up towards the grounded flygon. "Eh, fell out of heaven dear?" He said flirtatiously. "Allow me to help you out." He said, picking up  the papers, few by few until the floor looked as it has before.

"Oooof, so many papers... There we go," the Flygon mutters, balancing everything back into a manageable pile before straightening and breaking out into a cheery smile. "Thanks so much for helping me pick all these up. I swear, that’s like the fifth time I’ve tripped today; I’m such a klutz…" She blinks. "Heeeey, wait a minute. You don't look familiar. Are you visiting the Guild?"

"You could say that." He said, remembering he just joined in the guild. "Wait, no, forget that. I'm a new member here. I assume you work here?"

Upon hearing that the team has just gotten done registering, she breaks out in a warm smile.

"Well no wonder I don’t remember you, you're new!" She inclines her long neck in the best bow she can manage without dropping everything all over again. "Welcome to the Researchers Guild! I'm Kali, I'm one of the Guild Leaders' assistants here. Pleased to meet you! And you are…?"

"The name's Vajra, you could call me Va-ra as a few of my friends do! Nice too meet you Kali, what a beautiful name you have, maybe more than mine." he said, chuckling softly.

She smiles again. "Nice name! You don't hear many like that around here, but then again Andalusst is kind of a mish-mash of a whole bunch of different kinds of names. It's always nice to hear 'em since Pokémon do tend to come in from all over the place, after all. And speaking of which, did you get here from the fog or something?"

"Actually, yes. I'm not from here, see. I was wandering through the fog, following a beacon. They say a bright, beautiful, light is emitted from Andalusst that is a beacon for weary travelers. That couldn't have been you, was it?" He said, winking. Sadly, Kali didn't notice/get the hint as Vajra hoped for.

Would you look at that. Whether you like it or not, it seems you’re stuck with Kali for the time being, as she seems to be quite curious about your team.

"Really? Hmm, yeah, that's how it is for a few people around here. I'm not an Andalusst native myself, but I figured I'd stick around. Anyway, now that you're here and you've been registered as a team, what name did you pick?"

"A name? Merde, J'ai oublié de penser à une!" Vajra said, speaking French. "How about something similar to my name. Like, Vashra, another word for 'Vajra'."

She waits for the response with an expectant look, and laughs lightly when it’s given.

"Hah, that's so much better than the name I used when I signed up, wow. I was kind of, uh, young and silly back then, I guess you could say, so the name I used was... yeeeeaaaaah, pretty bad."

"I'm pretty sure it wasn't that bad if you represented it."

You notice she doesn't say the name she used, but before you can ask about it, the green Dragon-type tosses out another question with a curious tilt of her head.

"So what's your reason for joining the Guild, anyway? There are three guilds here in Andalusst, and even if I like it here with the Researchers, I know it's not the best fit for everyone since we're kinda knowledge-oriented; you could've just as easily registered with the Hunters, or the Explorers. So why here?"

"I guess I want to know more about this world around us. As a kid, I was fascinated with technology, so I decided when I was a small pup to join the famous Researchers of Andalusst! My parents thought joining the Hunters would help me be better off, but, mon dieu, mother was wrong, I'm not into rescuing others. For the explorers, again, not much of my thing. I guess that because your here, that's another reason to join."

Kali listens quite intently as your team tells its story, her earlier cheerful expression changing to one of thoughtful consideration. She waits patiently for the response to wrap up, before speaking again. "Wow, that's quite a tale! Not many Pokémon come through here with a story like that. Seems like everyone in the Guilds has a driving force behind what they do, and some reasons are... well, better than others."

"Well, un, I want to know what's the reason for my different coloration, usually, other manectrics are bleu and yellow, right? I'm a dark grey and yellow color. And deux,  I really want to know how advance machinery works, so I'm deciding to study and experiment with those here."

She pauses, before her voice regains its chipper tone. "So that’s the "why" and the "how"; what about the "what"? What do you think made the Guild decide to accept you into the ranks?" She says this with honest curiosity, not a trace of taunt or teasing in her tone, and listens as you list off your skills.

"Well, I'm pretty fast on my feet, so I surely won't fall behind, and I can negotiate well enough." He said, seeing he has less skills that he thought he had.

"Oh wow, that's pretty cool! You guys are lucky. Y'know sometimes I wish I had a better skill set like that; then maybe I’d be more help to the Guild. Pretty much the only things I do around here are draw and deliver papers everywhere and, well, get stuck helping Archie."

She says the last part with sudden venom, and you get the feeling that she’s not entirely fond of the Pokémon in question.

"Isn't that the guild leader though? What's so bad with being with him?"

"I mean yeah sure he's one of the Guild Leaders, but he's just so... so... annoying, always bossing people around and taking credit for everything and acting like he's so much smarter than everyone else. And I'm always the one having to put up with him since someone has to help him but everyone else always runs off before they get stuck with him instead!"

"Je vois. I can see why he get on your nerves."

Kali lets out a great huff of frustration, glancing away for a moment before remembering she has an audience. Giving an embarrassed chuckle as her face slowly reddens, she says, "And oh gosh, there I go running my mouth, ahaha! Sorry, I'm not talking too much or anything, am I? I kind of have a tendency to ramble on sometimes... And I probably really shouldn’t be bad-mouthing Archimedes...”

With a sudden, panicked expression abruptly crossing her face as she remembers the mass of paper in her arms, she blurts, "And OH MY GOSH I still need to take care of these!"

"I-I could help you if, you'd like. I'm pretty goo..." And just like that, she's gone.

She starts running down the hall, then abruptly pulls an about-face - accidentally whacking a passerby with her tail while doing so - to stammer, "Uh, it was nice meeting you! I'll, er, see you later, I hope?" She attempts to raise an arm to wave back, but stops when the paper pile in her arms wobbles precariously, and instead flashes a quick grin before stomping briskly away.

" Qu'est-ce un groupe intéressant c'est." He said, watching in amusement again as the ground trembled with her stomps.
Yep, a second researcher team, since I already have two explorers, why not make another researcher team. Vajra, the mischievous flirt.

I used google translate for the French, so don't yell and hate!

To those who are confused what certain words mean, here is a 'key'.
-Vashra/Vajra: A small metal handheld weapon that sometimes symbolizes thunderstorms and love.
-'Merde!': Damn it!
-'J'ai oublié de penser à une!': I forgot to think of one!
- 'un': one
-'bleu': blue
-'deux': two
-'Je vois': I see
-'Qu'est-ce un groupe intéressant c'est.': What an interesting group this is.

Vajra the Shiny!Manectric

-about 19 (Comparative to human years)
-French (obviously!)
-History: ((Hoping to develop one as time passes ))
-Very flirtatious, he knows when to stop, but he likes annoying 'mons with his flirty comments. He's acutally takes things too lightly as a flaw. Depending on certain circumstances, he's actually really serious and not as joking.
-he is going out with Shou from Team Rising © :iconcreamtheeevee:
© 2014 - 2024 Gamstobic
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HopelessRomantic1997's avatar
Sounds like a cool team ^^